Improving Performance Acadeny is an ATO accredited by APMG International to provide change management accreditation training. We also translated the certification exams to Spanish language.
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Video: ellos se certificaron en Change Management por la APMG International!

Son profesionales de Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Mexico y Venezuela, que turbinaron sus competencias en gestión de transformaciones!

Where do our students work?

Founder and principal trainer

Senior instructor, Change Management SME

Luis A. Cáceres V.

Managing Consultant at Improving-Performance.com. Experienced change manager trainer and project manager providing consulting services to help organizations to implement lasting transformations, from technology adoption, digital transformation until culture change for government and companies. Advised over US$ 6 billion in post merger integrations deals, over 16 digital government projects advised, experiences in internatinal PMOs ; author of the book "Murphy on projects: causas de falhas nos projetos como previni-las", as well as webinars reaching over 90.000 attendees and articles with over 200.000 readers. Reach him at http://linkedin.com/in/caceres